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Welcome to Online Blood Bank

The need for blood

There are many reasons patients need blood. A common misunderstanding about blood usage is that accident victims are the patients who use the most blood. Actually, people needing the most blood include those: Being treated for cancer Undergoing orthopedic surgeries Undergoing cardiovascular surgeries Being treated for inherited blood disorders

Blood Tips

Do you want to make sure that you have the best experience of blood donation? Well, scroll on through for some tips and tricks from our donors, doctors and nurses. While you may have heard some of these before, you may not know why they work. Keep in mind that this short list isn’t complete, and even if you follow all these tips, it is possible you may still experience a reaction to donation. Our team are always close by in centre, and you can call us on 13 14 95 to speak with one of our medical experts if you feel unwell after your donation.

Who you could Help

Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every days, someone in the Bangladesh needs blood. Here are just a few of their stories.

Some of the Donar


blood group of any human being will mainly fall in any one of the following groups.

  • A positive or A negative
  • B positive or B negative
  • O positive or O negative
  • AB positive or AB negative.

A healthy diet helps ensure a successful blood donation, and also makes you feel better! Check out the following recommended foods to eat prior to your donation.


The most common blood type is O, followed by type A. Type O individuals are often called "universal donors" since their blood can be transfused into persons with any blood type. Those with type AB blood are called "universal recipients" because they can receive blood of any type.